Skill Work & a Partner WOD, and Open WOD 15.1 is announced tonight!
Announcement: Because of our Gymnastics Clinic this weekend, there are no Saturday or Sunday classes.
Sorry for the inconvenience. We'll be back to our normal schedule on Monday.
CrossFit Open
Starts TODAY! It's not too late to join the 5 weeks of online competition. Register here.
This year includes scaled versions of the Open workouts as well as a new Teenage Division for athletes 14-17 years old.
Amplify Food Drive
February 14 - March 7. Basic info here.
THURSDAY Skill Work Take 10-15 minutes to work technique: • Toes to Bar/Knees to Chest • Pull-ups (Strict, Kipping, Butterfly, Chest to Bar) • Double Unders • Handstands (Holds, Strict, HSPU Kipping) • Pistols • Muscle-ups
Partner Conditioning 14 Rounds For Time: • 7 Box Jumps (30"/24") • Sprint 3 Turf Lengths • 7 Russian Kettlebell Swings (#70/55) • Sprint 3 Turf Lengths
* One partner completes a round at a time.
Why We Do the Open