Monday, July 14, 2014

Monday Skill, Strength and great Conditioning. Get in and get to work!

ANNOUNCEMENTS AmpFam Summer Events: View all Amp social events including next week's Sox game HERE.

We will be closed Sunday morning with the Sox Game outing.


"Biggest Loser" 5K: Sunday, August 3. $30 in Chicago. Details here.

MONDAY Skill Work Warm-up Clean [wmv][mov] Technique focus on the first and second pulls of the movement.

Conditioning 5 Rounds: Every 3 Minutes Complete: • 3x 1 Power Clean + 1 Squat Clean (#135/95) • 9 Box Jumps (30"/24") • 3 Jingle Jangles

* A new round starts every 3 minutes.

Post Workout Strength 3 Sets Of: • Pendlay Row x 6-8 [YouTube] • Reverse Hypers x 6-8 [YouTube]

Jingle Jangles