Monday, May 12, 2014


CONGRATULATIONS KRISTIN!16th place in the Region! Thanks to all those who came out to Navy Pier this weekend to support her at the North Central Regional.

REMINDERS Early Morning Schedule: 5:30am class schedule has changed to Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. No more Thursday 5:30am.

Murph for Miller: Join the Tri-Cities CrossFit crew for their annual fundraiser on May 23. Details here.

MONDAY Strength Snatch [wmv][mov]

Every 90 seconds for 6 sets complete 3 Snatches @ 75% of your 1repmax. Reset in between every rep.

Conditioning 4 Rounds For Total Time: • 10 Power Snatch (#135/95) • Run 200 meters • 2 Rope Climbs • Rest 1 Minute

Games Update - North Central Regional