Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Tuesday Front Squats and a gnarly EMOM!

Announcements CrossFit Open: We strongly encourage everyone to register for the CrossFit Open! Registration is still open and we are close to our Amp goal of 85 members signed up!  We will complete the workouts each Friday anyway! Weekly workouts begin February 27.

Garage Games Amplify Open: Announcing our second annual Garage Games competition, April 12-13! If you aren't competing, we need your help that weekend! If you can volunteer to set up, tear down, judge, or assist in any other way we need you. Saturday is the individual competition, and Sunday has team and masters. See an Amplify coach if you can help.


TUESDAY Strength Front Squat [wmv][mov] 5 sets of 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off of max reps Front Squats (#135/95).

Conditioning Every Minute for 20 Minutes: • Odd Minutes: 8 Chest to Bar Pull-ups • Even Minutes: 10 Wall Ball Shots (#30/20)

Front Squats with Miranda O. and Pat S. What do they do well?