Saturday Partner WOD-- Be Ready!
Announcements We strongly encourage everyone to register for the CrossFit Open! Registration is now open. We will complete the workouts each week anyway! Weekly workouts begin February 27.
Monday, January 27: 30 Day Nutrition Challenge. 3 tier option: Performance, Weight Management, or Look Good Naked. More details coming!
Saturday & Sunday, February 15-16: Galt Games competition at Atlas CrossFit in Chicago.
SATURDAY Partner Workout With an 18 Minute Time Cap: 30 Power Cleans (#95/65) 90 Double Unders 30 Power Cleans (#135/95) 90 Double Unders 30 Power Cleans (#165/105) 90 Double Unders
* Partners can split reps any way they like.
Efficiency with Double Unders