Tuesday, September 3, 2013 — CrossFit Amplify

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


A new month to get to work!

Announcements: Our next Paleo Challenge will start September 16th.
Details available at the informational meeting on Sept. 12. Mark your calendars!
Read about Weakness and attacking your goats in the last of the summer posts in Words of the Week.

TUESDAY Strength Power Clean & Jerk [wmv][mov] 12 Minute EMOM x 1.1: Every minute on the minute complete 2 heavy singles. Rest 10 seconds between each single. Minute 1 & 2 @60% Minute 3 & 4 @70% Minute 5 & 6 @75% Minute 7 & 8 @80% Minute 9 & 10 @80% + Minute 11 & 12 @80% +

Conditioning AMRAP in 8 Minutes: • 3 Thrusters (#135/95) • 6 Pull-ups • 9 Box Jumps (30"/24")

Quick tips for the Thruster with Jason K.