Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A push press kind of Wednesday... And have you read our note from Mike and the trainers about April with CrossFit Amplify?

WEDNESDAY Strength Push Press 2-2-2-2-2 [wmv][mov] @ heaviest weight possible

Conditioning 4 Rounds For Time: • 5 Muscle-ups • 10 Box Jumps (30"/24") • 20 Dumbbell Push Press (#35/20)

Optional Post Workout 3 x max effort plank holds

Push Press They correct some issues here, but what's up with the glaring problem with Annie's finish position? Yuck.


CrossFit Amplify is Turning TWO! We would like to say THANK YOU for all the love, support, and hard work all of you have given CrossFit Amplify over the past two years. As a gym, the members and coaches have grown so much and we're looking forward to a bright future. Make sure to join us on April 28 for our Anniversary WOD!

Going into a new Amplify "year," Mike would like to touch on a few subjects: paleo challenge winners, gym appearance/atmosphere, and programming/goals.

Paleo Challenge The goal for every nutrition challenge is to learn to eat clean and healthy. By doing this you look better, feel better, perform better, and live better! I believe a good first step for many is knowing what you are eating every day and that involves logging your food daily. Without you all knowing, the real test this time was seeing who was going to stick with logging their food no matter what you were consuming. So, in leading by example and truly making an effort towards better living, the winners are Doug Rudolph, Mike Burns, and Kendra Panek. Also, I believe and see that it is no coincidence that these three have made the biggest improvements in the gym over the past 4 weeks. I also want to give a shout out to Vid R., Eric W., Deb W., Amy D., and Tom M. for their food logs and work during this time too!

Gym Appearance & Atmosphere As you have seen this past week Amplify has had a makeover and has grown significantly over the past 3 months. The appearance has been a focus for the past few months, starting with the bathroom, entrance, pull-up bars, platforms, and more equipment. All of this is done for YOU! So to help keep it this way please continue to help clean up after every class period. As far as the atmosphere goes, it has improved over the past few months with the increase of membership. Let's continue to encourage and support each other while lifting and cheer each other on during the WODs. You don't have to be a zombie; lets show the CrossFit community who AMPLIFY is!! Also, on a side note, summer BBQs will be coming back starting in June!

Amplify Programming & Goals As members and as a gym, we all should have goals! Amplify's main goal is for everyone to be educated in mobility, proper lifting form & techinque, nutrition, and to improve overall strength & conditioning. We also need short term goals to keep us focus through the year. Amplify's next goal is to have a larger group attendance for the Murph for Miller charity event May 26. This workout will require running and bodyweight conditioning. Therefore, starting in April we will run at least twice a week and focus on push-ups, pull-ups and air squats. But of course don't forget the passion for olympic lifts the Amplify coaches have... we will be focusing on these more than ever!

Looking forward to PRs, growth, and a great community in year 3!!

Thank you! Amplify Trainers: Dan, Sean, Scott, and the one and only Mike Viall (aka, Boom, Bang, and Dragon)