Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3 [wmv][mov]
(Watch this immediately. Learn. We won't necessarily squat this wide, but it's all relevant.)
Conditioning Half Tabata of: • Pull-ups • Push Press (#75/45) • Sit-ups • Sumo Deadlift High-pull (#75/45)
Rest 1 full minute between exercises.
*Tabata: Perform each exercise for 20 seconds "on," 10 seconds "off." Half Tabata will be 4 cycles through this time frame, per movement (20 sec. pull-ups, rest 10 sec x4). Work for maximum reps each burst, as well as max reps per exercise, and record total reps per exercise and on the WOD.
Example Tabata WOD: [wmv][mov]
The 2011 CrossFit Open Regionals have been completed.
CrossFit Amplify had several members participate in this 6 week long challenge. Official results are coming in. Check out the current North Central region leader boards and to see how our CFAMP members did! An update will be posted here at CFAMP once scores are set.
Congratulations to Leslie, Paul, Patrick, Mike, and Scott for attempting the Games WODs this year. Fun stuff!