2019: A New Year

A New Year 2019

A New Year

Symphony of Destruction
At first glance, a CrossFit gym is a cross between a party and a battle ground. It’s a dance and a fist fight. It’s high fives and curse words. It’s war. It’s peace. It’s a front row ticket to the best show you’ve ever seen. So many things going on with people moving in every direction— jumping and lifting and screaming and laughing. The failure. The success. It's chaotic and it flows, all at once, in a fitness symphony of destruction.

Just like the pied piper, you have followed Amplify and put your faith in us for this part of your fitness journey. We thank you for that, but unlike that fabled story, and unlike the intro heading to this blog post, we don’t really want you destroyed. Our plan is to always guide you in the right direction in terms of strength and conditioning. We only want you to drown in gains. Here are a few tips for success to consider as you ring in the New Year.

Lose Yourself
Allow yourself to get lost in your habits. This is not a bad thing, at least with healthy habits of diet and exercise, and since routines create a system, your small victories are all part of a bigger picture of fitness. Get wrapped up in each moment where you PR a lift, reflect on each instance you improve a gymnastics skill, and celebrate each streak of consecutive workout days. Humble brag… you deserve it. But at the same time as relishing in those little improvements, realize it’s all adding up to build a better you.

It may not be true that this opportunity comes once in a lifetime, but it is certainly true that this is an opportunity to create a lifetime. Fitness is an ever-present challenge as part of an ever-evolving balance of life. Routines might change a bit— this is allowed— but remember your system is in place. Adjust as needed to maintain exercise as a priority.

Should I Stay or Should I Go?
Newbie or seasoned, one surprisingly difficult part of following a fitness program is to figure out what days to exercise— when to come to the gym and when to take a rest day. Most of us have our set workout days, but even then we can run into problems. As we all know, personal and work life often require us to alter plans. And what about those instances where the week of workouts has added up and we’re wrecked? So it goes— one day it's fine and next it's black. Do you power through and hit that next workout because that’s what your schedule says? Or do you listen to your body and take an extra day off?

Our recommendation: it all depends. Err on the side of recovery, however. Maybe check in with an Amplify coach for guidance. But in the end, you have to decide how you really feel. Consider the movements, consider the time domain, but mostly consider the future. Soreness is different than injury. Think with longevity in mind, and that may provide clarity. 

With a Little Help From My Friends
Some of you are brand new, straight out of Elements class, while others have been with us since our first location back in 2010. Either way, we’re ecstatic you’ve invested in our small business and continue to grow with us over the years. What you’ve all noticed is that Amplify is a second family.

Sure, it’s possible to pop earbuds in and go through a solo workout. But most who come to Amplify enjoy the support network involved. At this point, Amplify has grown to include many groups of friends with varied interests outside the gym. CrossFit is as much social and mental as it is physical. All three aspects of life improve with exercise, so find your crew and reap the rewards. When you ask yourself, “How do I feel at the end of the day?” our hope is a little better with the help from your friends at Amp.

Crazy in Love
Each year we offer a motivational challenge to each and every reader, as prompted by our crazy love/hate relationship with CrossFit and the tough workouts we endure. It’s such a funny thing to try to explain— the journey is fun, but the outcome is better.

See our six-part blog series, Maximizing Your Amplify Experience.”

Check past posts regarding the fitness equation, dedicationprogress, community, and a many more topics in the Articles section of our website.

Ask questions. Seek out answers.

The challenge?
Step back and do some self-reflection. Think about what goals you have and how you will pursue those goals. Bigger than that? Think about what can be done to continue or set into motion your dedicated lifestyle.

  • What brought you in to the gym in the first place? Why did you step foot into Amplify?

  • What are you doing to take the next step, to make the next advancement in your fitness journey?

  • Where can the trainers help? Specifically, what can you communicate that would further benefit the time you put in the gym each and every week?

Whether you are an Amplify veteran or have just joined the ranks of our gym, we’re glad you’re as crazy in love with CrossFit as we are. Here’s looking ahead at another year of fitness without boundaries.

Thanks for being here, and as always, thanks for reading!

– Scott, 1.1.2019