
Garage Games: Amplify Open



April 12-13, 2014

We are proud to announce the Second Annual Amplify Open!  After the CrossFit Open, come show the Midwest what you can do.

Individuals will be on Saturday. Masters and Teams will be on Sunday.

Cost: $80 per Individual, $185 per Team. Check in time: 7:30am. Start time: 9:30am.

Teams will consist of 3 Athletes: 2 Males and 1 Female Divisions: Men's Rx, Men's Scaled, Women's Rx, Women's Scaled, Team Rx, Team Scaled and Men/Women's Masters. Division Limits: 30 Individuals per division, 35 Teams.

Registration Deadline is March 25: Facebook Event page will post updates:

Check the above links for information regarding workout movements and other information.

Several Sponsors have committed to the event: Reebok Quest RockTape Progenex FitAid Fight Through Atlas Wraps SoRock Lululemon of Naperville

ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR THIS WEEKEND: - Doors will open at 8am on Saturday and Sunday. - First event will begin at roughly 9-9:15am on Saturday and Sunday. - There will be no spectator fee for this event. - Look for event parking across the street from Amplify. - If you haven't filled out a waiver from the Garage Games site, they will be provided at the event. - Saturday division order: Men's Scaled, Men's RX, Women's Scaled, Women's RX. - Sunday division order: Team Scaled, Team RX. - Team WOD changes: Team WOD #1 will have a time cap of 16 minutes.  On Team events involving pistols or DB Snatches, alternating is not required but you must do 10 each side.


2014 Amplify Open RESULTS



Individual WOD #1 6 minute time cap. Add a second to the 6 minute cap for every rep not completed.

RX Division 30-20-10 Wall Ball Shots (#30/20) Toes to Bar

Scaled Division 30-20-10 Wall Ball Shots (#20/10) V-Up (hands and toes touch at the top of the V-Up)

Individual WOD #2 6 minute AMRAP Score = total reps.

RX Division Squat Clean to Thruster Ladder

Athlete must complete 4 reps of the indicated weight before increasing to the next level. A pause after the Squat Clean is NOT allowed. If the athlete has time remaining, AMRAP the final weight. Athlete responsible for changing their own weights as indicated.

Men Rx: #135/#155/#185/#205 Women Rx: #85/#105/#135/#145

Scaled Division Power Clean to Shoulder to Overhead ladder. Athlete must complete 4 reps of the indicated weight before increasing to the next level.

A pause after the Power Clean IS allowed. If the athlete has time remaining, AMRAP the final weight. Athlete responsible for changing their own weights as indicated.

Men Scaled: # 115/#135/#145/#155 Women Scaled: #55/#65/#75/#85

Individual WOD #3 8 minute time cap. Score = total time. Add a second to the 8 minute cap for every rep not completed.

RX Division 35 Pull-ups 75 Double Unders 30 Handstand Push-ups 75 Double Unders 35 Pull-ups

Scaled Division 30 Jumping Chest to Bar Pull-ups (CrossFit Open Standard) 150 Single Jump Rope 10 Wall Climbs (chest to touch wall) 150 Single Jump Rope 30 Jumping Chest to Bar Pull-ups

Individual WOD #4 12 minute time cap. Score = total time. Add a second to the 12 minute cap for every rep not completed. 15 Pistols per leg. Do not need to be alternating.

RX Division Row 75 Calories 30 Pistols 15 Hang Snatch, Power or Squat catch (#145/#100)Scaled Division Row 75 Calories 30 Goblet Squats (#55/#35) 15 Hang Snatch, Power or Squat catch (#95/#65)

Team WOD #1 16 minute time cap. Add a second to the 16 minute cap for every rep not completed.

25 Double Under buy-in per athlete before the start of each movement. Each athlete must complete 20 reps in a row per movement until the team reaches 60 reps. Remaining 50 reps of movement can be split anyhow.

RX Division 110 Wall Ball Shots (#30/#20) 110 Toes to Bar 110 Dumbbell Snatch (#70/#45)

Scaled Division (*30 single jump rope buy-in per athlete) 110 Wall Ball Shots (#20/#14) 110 V-Ups 110 Dumbbell Snatch (#50/#25)

Team WOD #2 16 minute time cap. Score = total time. Add a second to the 16 minute cap for every rep not completed. Waterfall rules. One athlete must complete the entire complex before the next athlete starts.

RX Division Row 500 meters 20 Pistols 10 Hang Power Cleans (#185/#125)

Scaled Division Row 500 meters 30 Kettlebell Swings (#55/35) 10 Hang Power Cleans (#135/#85)

Team WOD #3 16 minute time cap. Score = total time. Add a second to the 16 minute cap for every rep not completed. Only one athlete can be working at a time. Each athlete is responsible for a set of 40/30/20. Team is responsible for changing out their own weights.

RX Division 40 Back Squats (#135/#95) 30 Pull-ups 20 Shoulder to Overhead (#135/#95) ------------------------------- 40 Front Squats (#95/#65) 30 Pull-ups 20 Shoulder to Overhead (#95/#65) ------------------------------- 40 Over Head Squat (#65/#45) 30 Pull-ups 20 Shoulder to Overhead (#65/#45)

Scaled Division 40 Back Squats (#115/#75) 30 Jumping Chest to Bar Pull-ups (CrossFit Open Standard) 20 Shoulder to Overhead (#115/#75) -------------------------------- 40 Front Squats (#95/#55) 30 Jumping Chest to Bar Pull-ups (CrossFit Open Standard) 20 Shoulder to Overhead (#95/#55) -------------------------------- 40 Overhead Squats (#65/#35) 30 Jumping Chest to Bar Pull-ups (CrossFit Open Standard) 20 Shoulder to Overhead (#65/#35)


Final WODs announced as the week progresses!  Stay up to date on the Facebook Event page here:



Individual WOD Tally Sheet


TEAM WOD Tally Sheet