
The Fitness Equation

The Fitness Equation

Things can look so simple on paper: fuel, work, rest, repeat.

In reality, we mess this up quite a bit.

If life were a math test, at best we’d earn a C. Maybe a C+. Deserving, since we zone out during most lectures, only hearing half of each life lesson. We probably fell asleep on our proverbial desk a handful of times, and we definitely asked to see a friend’s homework more than once. Plus, we never show our work.

And it's extremely likely we ordered ourselves a pizza at one point or another.

If I'm here and you're here, doesn't that make it our time?
If I'm here and you're here, doesn't that make it our time?

Pay Attention
We live in shortcuts and half-truths, cutting corners when possible. It catches up quick, in terms of lifelong health and well-being.

But we also try to make up for our fitness shortcomings, often compensating by overdoing. It’s like cramming for a test the night before.

We're slackers, and we should just pay attention already. Class is always in session.

Way to go, Einstein
Way to go, Einstein

In months and years past, topics within the fitness equation have received article attention. We recently focused on nutrition and using food as fuel, we previously examined sleep and soreness, and we constantly look into the wide spectrum of exercise movements and related aspects of physical work. But just because we examined one piece of the puzzle doesn't mean we solved all of our problems.

There's a big picture present, and in fitness it involves plenty of real math. VO2Max, caloric intake, metabolic rate, power output, and so on.

To Err is Human
It’s not hard to make mistakes in our training equation, though. In fact, if we’re honest, we all do. Or at least anyone pursuing physical fitness has.

It wasn’t necessarily a huge error, but something has gone wrong at one point or another, right? Simply because we’re human. We’re not perfect. Maybe it was moving incorrectly, with sloppy form. Maybe it was overtraining, putting our body through too much for one day, one week, or one training cycle. We’re not talking about a life-threatening mistake, necessarily; these minor issues just prove our training is in a constant flux. It’s a learning process through each and every week as we work out and advance in this fitness journey.

It’s not hard to make mistakes in nutrition either. I mean, come on… some of these issues aren’t even accidental. Because, donuts… that’s why.

Purposeful cheat meals are actually a usable tool for some people, and a personal belief that, for many of us who won’t spiral out of control, it keeps us sane. Yet nutrition is very often a missing piece of our equation, like a little mathematic misstep that takes us further away from the correct answer as things get complicated.

And what about recovery? Well, if it was possible to mess up something as simple as doing nothing, leave it to us humans. But we get impatient sometimes, neglecting to take rest days. Or else we use too much time off, starting over almost from square one each time. In addition, we might not even know what to do with the recovery time that is taken, or how to use activity in the correct way on rest days to stay loose and maximize physical gains.

Passing This Test Called Life
Follow the fitness equation. It doesn't have to be as complicated as we sometimes make it.

1. Fuel up, primarily for function.

  • Eat. Don't be afraid of food. It is our energy source, after all.
  • From Food = Fuel: "Our brain runs on carbohydrates. Our muscles do the same, and replenish with protein.  Our body systems use fats in so many ways... it's unfortunate they get such a bad rap. [1]  These are our calorie providing macronutrients, and with help from vitamins, minerals, and the almighty water, our day to day tasks can be completed."
  • Know your body and find out what works both before and after your workouts and competitions.
Calorie Balance

2. Correctly use the progressive overload principle.

  • The body systems respond to work. But they especially adapt when overloaded. Use the overload principle by placing your muscles and cardio system under duress yet within an exhaustion level that doesn't cause degenerative tissue breakdown. This will be noticed with overuse injuries, longer recovery cycles, and/or immune system weakness. A bit tricky, yes, but that's why you don't go run a marathon every day or attempt to deadlift a car just for fun. [1] [2]
  • From Scaling: "Keep the body adapting to new stimulus. Your muscles, connecting tissues, energy systems and central nervous system will thank you because you’ve improved. CrossFit doesn't really get any easier, you just become fitter. This allows more workload to occur."
Progressive Overload

3. Follow up overload with recovery.

  • Healthy food can be put on the table. Strength and conditioning work can be done. Mobility issues can be addressed. Weaknesses can be attacked. But sore muscles should receive rest days as well as sleep and replenishment.
  • From Sleep: "We may spend an hour in the gym each day, but it's the 23 hours spent recovering where you make actual gains in your fitness. We do work and our cells adapt. The body rebuilds. Muscle cells, connective tissue, and cardiovascular efficiency all improve to resist future stress. During recovery, there are a series of natural hormone responses to the work that has recently been completed; growth occurs with your central nervous and endocrine systems as well."
  • Actively recover by using movement to stimulate repair. Our body can do its inherent job after a stressful workout or competition with mobility exercises and self-massage, aiding in recovery. But rest days are used for just that-- rest. So doing as little physical work as possible will help. It's tough, but try not to get roped into another hard workout, even if it sounds awesome. See the bigger picture.

4. Repeat.

  • Cycle through these steps in an effort to be consistent, while still using variance. But remember, variety is not the same as being random; follow a program for maximal results.
  • Fuel up, work hard, rest when needed, and reap the rewards.

Alright, nerds, don't even ask if this will be on the test. Of course it will. This is the test.

- Scott, 7.27.2014



No Puking
No Puking


MetCon addiction is real, and chances are it's in a gym near you.

Metabolic Conditioning. A potent, potent thing, deserving of respect and responsibility. Which means abuse and misuse are rampant.

See, one thing people get a taste of when they are new to CrossFit is that feeling of being flattened from a workout. Usually in 20 minutes or less. There are even t-shirts made to brag this point. At home, in the park, at a Globo Gym, and especially in a CrossFit affiliate with a group of fellow sufferers-- the addiction can start immediately. It's an experience all its own, that's for sure. That feeling after a tough conditioning workout: dumb, dizzy, defeated... WOD drunk. And like being drunk, or high, or in love, or on a thrill-seeking adrenaline rush, the MetCon experience can be dangerous.

This is why we can't have nice things.

The human brain receives neural pathway stimuli from many sources in life, so it's not ridiculous to see something like this happen with physical fitness. Consistent exercise causes the body to produce endorphins, which are hormones secreted by your pituitary gland to block pain, decrease anxiety and create feelings of happiness. But oxidative stress, like that from aerobic cardiovascular training, also causes the hormone cortisol to be released. This is fine, but not in high levels.

There is research to suggest oxidative training and its effects can cause body cells to age prematurely. [1, 23] The biggest contention is that aerobic training raises cortisol levels, which accelerates aging because it increases inflammation in the brain, heart, intestinal tract, and reproductive organs. If your cortisol levels are chronically elevated, your body may store fat instead of burning it, adding more stress to the organs and body systems.

Which means cardio is a killer. Almost literally.

Of course the opposite would be to never endure sustained physical work in your life... and we know that's by far more dangerous, and immediately so. There is of course plenty of research suggesting the opposite from above-- that aerobic activity is a must and even in excessive use it can train the body to deal with the rigor of workouts (or life), becoming more resistant to stress of the future. [1, 2, 3, 4]

Which means not doing cardio is a killer. Confused yet?

This brings us to the point: it's the type of metabolic conditioning you use and the frequency at which you use it that matter.

The related memes that have circulated for a few years are those that portray endurance athletes without the musculature of strength or speed training. Although this is arguable and it isn't very fair to pit one person's body against another's, as the saying goes, the proof is in the pudding. Trying out different workout regimens ourselves, we can come to our own conclusions about body composition and make comparisons to the former "us." Ultimately it is me vs. me, you vs. you in this whole fitness endeavor after all. Being in CrossFit has it ingrained that all cardio and no strength training is not the path towards general and overall fitness across a broad spectrum. Constantly varied, functional movements performed at high intensity in order to increase work capacity over broad time and modal domains.

Yet, if we look at intense MetCon use in a CrossFit program we can still find the overtrained athlete. CrossFit's "mascots" even include Pukie the Clown and Uncle Rhabdo... what kind of message is that? If you haven't checked the scares of Rhabdomyolysis, Google search and/or see the Journal Article here.

"Beware the sexy MetCon." So true. Melissa of Whole9Life put it in these terms way back when in an excellent article on the topic.

So let's take a typical new CrossFitter-- all gung-ho and ready with new shoes, new apparel, and a new vocabulary-- on a binge of being WODrunk in public 3 days in a row. Having that feeling of being demolished by the longer, arduous (and usually named) MetCons can be a gateway for the belief that the only way to "get good" in CrossFit is to ruin yourself daily. As the addiction begins, this MetCon abuse can in fact lead to something very similar to the above pic. Neglecting strength work or shrugging off variance in CrossFit WODs, energy pathways included, is directly at odds with the program protocol itself. But in combination with lack of recovery days, said newbie has now set up a potentially lethal habit. Not to mention mental health experts warn that in the exercise addict we see brain activity and thought processes similar to that with eating disorders and drug addiction. Scary.

This, ladies and gentlemen, is what I'm taking the time to warn you about.

BUT... high volume training is not the same as overtraining. Let's make that clear. So if you train smart by providing enough stimulus for progress, but not so much that you overtrain, any oxidative stress from your training will not damage your health but instead will help your gains on the road to fitness. Especially if you keep your MetCons relatively short and sweet. Okay, at least short(er).

CrossFit is addictive, in the best way. But funny enough it walks a fine line with an unhealthy obsession. MetCons especially. So check yourself. Know when to lay off the MetCon pedal. And if you happen upon an addict laying in a sweat angel for the umpteenth day in a row, speaking in tongues of rounds and reps after succumbing to the lure of another high rep WOD, give them warning. But don't pass judgement. They're difficult to spot, you see-- they look just like you and me. Which makes it hard to know whether to give them a sweaty pat on the back, or to tell them to take a rest day.

Maybe both.

-Scott, 7.7.2013



Owie. How about those stairs? Washing your hair? Fun stuff after some brutal workouts.

Being sore, medically known as DOMS (Delayed onset muscle soreness) is that pain and stiffness felt in muscles several hours to days after exercise. Especially after unaccustomed or strenuous work. Soreness is felt most strongly 24 to 72 hours after exercise. We all know how two days post-workout can actually be tougher than the next day. Soreness is most commonly caused by eccentric exercise, which is any "negative" action of the muscles-- basically being under stress while contracting or resisting movement.

We also know that after this stress the muscle adapts rapidly in an effort to prevent future muscle damage if a given movement is repeated. This is where recovery in the sense of nutrition and sleep play so valuable of a role.

But in the meanwhile, what to do about that soreness?

First, let everyone realize it's okay to work sore muscles. However, you need to be the person deciding if the muscle will be further damaged with more exercise, to the point that it would be unhealthy. As in, overtraining.  Two days in a row of squats may counter what was previously taught in terms of variance, but we need to realize that "real life" often calls on us to use the same muscle groups two or more days in a row... even every single day of life. In an emergency situation, the joke is always, "Oh, I can't help save that person's life right now by helping to lift that heavy item off their body because I just did legs yesterday at the gym. Sorry." Ridiculous, right?

So if we get down to the research on off-setting muscle soreness, the leading advice for years has been to reduce inflammation. In basic terms, ice. Anti-inflammatory medication has been an option more recently, specifically with the following:

  1. NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). These include aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil and Motrin), naproxen sodium (Aleve), and ketoprofen (Orudis KT).
  2. Acetaminophen (Tylenol and Panadol).

There are of course other health risks researched and associated with use of these meds, as seen in quick terms on the website linked above. Use of naproxen sodium in short periods of time and in the smallest quantity possible is quick and reliable and a recommendation if the muscle soreness is just too much to overcome on a given day. I am not a doctor and by no means is this a daily prescription. The opposite, actually.

Daily use of natural anti-inflammatory foods has become widely accepted in terms of supplementing Fish Oil or Krill Oil. It is proven that the omega-3 fatty acids are utilized in the building material for prostaglandins. According to research, when prostaglandins are made they work in an efficient manner in their "healing" effects with less risk of the inflammatory damage from above medication.

Just recently Physio Tape has received a lot of use.  It increases blood circulation to the taped area, also numbing the area to allow less fatigue.  People who use it love the immediate benefits, although it doesn't seem to do much in terms of DOMS.

Compression Gear has also been marketed to help improve blood flow during workouts and cut down on muscle soreness.  See Helpful or Hurtful? for runners or Do compression clothes really impact sport performance? just to cite a few.

There are also Sportscreams and gels that can be used (namely Bengay, Biofreeze, and the like). The goal is to bring more blood flow to the area in attempts to break up inflammation and trigger cell growth and tissue repair. They get no endorsement from me, for what it's worth, since your body can do the same thing through active recovery.

"Active Recovery" has been promoted recently instead of icing; the use of movement to stimulate repair lets the body do it's inherent job after a stressful workout or competition has been experienced. This is actually fairly controversial and I look forward to more research and debate surrounding this concept. The idea is mobilize and self-massage to aide in recovery. Proponents included in the video below are advocates for letting the body do its job by protecting the stressed muscles and connective tissue and then rejuvenating cells in the reconstructive stage of recovery.

People, we've got to stop icing Read more here.

So what gets the stamp of approval? Well, keeping up with the research, I suppose. We don't have the exact answer since we're in the same boat as everyone else-- hoping that the medical and exercise physiologist community can do their jobs in providing the public with constant, accurate information.

Recommendations (For Now):

1. Icing It seems that the word is still out on the subject of ice: To ice, or not to ice? That is the question. Does it work for you? Have at it. Think you can clear up the soreness with mobility? Perhaps even better.

2. Foam Rollers Massage therapy for before and after workouts, foam rollers are like a sports massage without the high price tag. Rolling out increases circulation, breaks down soft tissue adhesion, and provides myofascial release.  Google it.

3. Lacrosse Balls Used as a mobility tool, it can hit deep into the trigger points like a foam roller on steroids. Try it, you'll be pleasantly in pain.

4. Medication Use anti-inflammatory meds as a last resort.  Naproxen sodium (Aleve), one to two tablets. Give it a day, maybe two doses 6-8 hours apart, and that should be just fine.  Anything over that and there's more going on there than simple DOMS.

Now, off to recovery you go. Just go easy on the stairs.

-Scott, 9.17.2012




We love it. At least as adults we do. And we all need it. But some of us need to get more.

Let's say you work out (which you do). The basic truth is that you may spend an hour in the gym each day, but it's the 23 hours spent recovering where you make actual gains in your fitness. Pretty simple: you work and your body adapts. Due to a breakdown of the muscle by placing it under load, the body rebuilds to resist future stress. During recovery, there are a series of natural body responses to any "work" that has recently been completed; growth occurs both with your muscle cells and connecting tissues but also with your central nervous and endocrine systems. Specifically, there are multiple hormone responses that trigger strength gains and cardiovascular adaptations.

This "work" that is so important (widely accepted in the fitness world as overload) needs to be followed up with recovery.

This is where sleep comes in. Sleep is the time where lots of learning takes place (as well as those heinous nightmares, you freak), but it's also the time to recuperate from the day. And where benefits can be made from the workout(s) you completed.

So... how much sleep is necessary? Are we getting the right amounts? And what about naps???


The average adult sleeps less than 7 hours per night. In today’s fast-paced society, 6 or 7 hours of sleep may sound pretty good. In reality, it’s might be a recipe for chronic sleep deprivation.

Average Sleep Needs
Age Hours
Newborns (0-2 months) 12 - 18
Infants (3 months to 1 year) 14 - 15
Toddlers (1 to 3 years) 12 - 14
Preschoolers (3 to 5 years) 11 - 13
School-aged children (5 to 12 years) 10 - 11
Teens and preteens (12 to 18 years) 8.5 - 10
Adults (18+) 7.5 - 9

While sleep requirements vary from person to person, most healthy adults need between 7.5 to 9 hours of sleep per night to function at their best. Children and teens need even more. And despite the notion that our sleep needs decrease with age, older people still need at least 7.5 to 8 hours of sleep. Since older adults often have trouble sleeping this long at night, daytime naps can help fill in the gap.


Common Myths About Sleep (From the National Institutes of Health)

Myth 1: Getting just 1 hour less sleep per night won’t affect your daytime functioning. You may not be noticeably sleepy during the day. But even slightly less sleep can affect your ability to think properly and respond quickly, and compromise your cardiovascular health, energy balance, and ability to fight infections.

Myth 2: Extra sleep at night can cure you of problems with excessive daytime fatigue. Not only is the quantity of sleep important but also the quality of sleep. Some people sleep 8 or 9 hours a night but don’t feel well rested when they wake up because the quality of their sleep is poor.

Myth 3: You can make up for lost sleep during the week by sleeping more on the weekends. Although this sleeping pattern will help relieve part of a sleep debt, it will not completely make up for the lack of sleep. Sleeping later on the weekends can affect your sleep-wake cycle so that it is much harder to go to sleep at the right time on Sunday nights and get up early on Monday mornings.


As for naps?

Good reads on our internet machine....




Let me know if you find more. Napping feels awesome. But will it mess up your sleep cycle? Maybe. Gotta figure out if it's necessary and beneficial to you. If not, skip it, and set up a consistent nighttime pattern. See, there's inherent stages of sleep that need to take place overnight for full recovery to occur. This also matches up with our dream sequences, in case you were intrigued.

So. Sleeping.

It's about figuring out what you can fit into your busy schedule (we all have one) and recover from the day... for our purpose here, the workouts you've done each day/week. If you value your fitness, which you do-- it's why you're here, afterall, then you'll consider setting up a consistent schedule that allows you the most recovery from all the hard work you're putting in weekly at the gym.

Sleep right and benefit.

-Scott, 7.16.2012