So exactly how much did you eat on the Fourth of July?
WEDNESDAY Strength Deadlift 5-3-3-2-2 [wmv][mov]
Conditioning AMRAP 16 Minutes: • Run 400 meters • Max Reps, Strict Pull-ups • Run 400 meters • Max Reps, Push-ups
*Record rounds + total reps of pull-ups and push-ups. Rest on the bar or in "up" position as you like each max rep attempt.
Scott on Today's Strength: Deadlifts [YouTube Demo]
REMINDER: Thursday Night Amplify BBQ It's here!! Join us after immediately after the 6:30pm workout on Thursday at the gym. BYOB and BYOM (drinks and meat, people). We’re hanging out from 7:30 on; show up even if you work out earlier in the day. Come on over!