
The Fitness Equation

The Fitness Equation

Things can look so simple on paper: fuel, work, rest, repeat.

In reality, we mess this up quite a bit.

If life were a math test, at best we’d earn a C. Maybe a C+. Deserving, since we zone out during most lectures, only hearing half of each life lesson. We probably fell asleep on our proverbial desk a handful of times, and we definitely asked to see a friend’s homework more than once. Plus, we never show our work.

And it's extremely likely we ordered ourselves a pizza at one point or another.

If I'm here and you're here, doesn't that make it our time?
If I'm here and you're here, doesn't that make it our time?

Pay Attention
We live in shortcuts and half-truths, cutting corners when possible. It catches up quick, in terms of lifelong health and well-being.

But we also try to make up for our fitness shortcomings, often compensating by overdoing. It’s like cramming for a test the night before.

We're slackers, and we should just pay attention already. Class is always in session.

Way to go, Einstein
Way to go, Einstein

In months and years past, topics within the fitness equation have received article attention. We recently focused on nutrition and using food as fuel, we previously examined sleep and soreness, and we constantly look into the wide spectrum of exercise movements and related aspects of physical work. But just because we examined one piece of the puzzle doesn't mean we solved all of our problems.

There's a big picture present, and in fitness it involves plenty of real math. VO2Max, caloric intake, metabolic rate, power output, and so on.

To Err is Human
It’s not hard to make mistakes in our training equation, though. In fact, if we’re honest, we all do. Or at least anyone pursuing physical fitness has.

It wasn’t necessarily a huge error, but something has gone wrong at one point or another, right? Simply because we’re human. We’re not perfect. Maybe it was moving incorrectly, with sloppy form. Maybe it was overtraining, putting our body through too much for one day, one week, or one training cycle. We’re not talking about a life-threatening mistake, necessarily; these minor issues just prove our training is in a constant flux. It’s a learning process through each and every week as we work out and advance in this fitness journey.

It’s not hard to make mistakes in nutrition either. I mean, come on… some of these issues aren’t even accidental. Because, donuts… that’s why.

Purposeful cheat meals are actually a usable tool for some people, and a personal belief that, for many of us who won’t spiral out of control, it keeps us sane. Yet nutrition is very often a missing piece of our equation, like a little mathematic misstep that takes us further away from the correct answer as things get complicated.

And what about recovery? Well, if it was possible to mess up something as simple as doing nothing, leave it to us humans. But we get impatient sometimes, neglecting to take rest days. Or else we use too much time off, starting over almost from square one each time. In addition, we might not even know what to do with the recovery time that is taken, or how to use activity in the correct way on rest days to stay loose and maximize physical gains.

Passing This Test Called Life
Follow the fitness equation. It doesn't have to be as complicated as we sometimes make it.

1. Fuel up, primarily for function.

  • Eat. Don't be afraid of food. It is our energy source, after all.
  • From Food = Fuel: "Our brain runs on carbohydrates. Our muscles do the same, and replenish with protein.  Our body systems use fats in so many ways... it's unfortunate they get such a bad rap. [1]  These are our calorie providing macronutrients, and with help from vitamins, minerals, and the almighty water, our day to day tasks can be completed."
  • Know your body and find out what works both before and after your workouts and competitions.
Calorie Balance

2. Correctly use the progressive overload principle.

  • The body systems respond to work. But they especially adapt when overloaded. Use the overload principle by placing your muscles and cardio system under duress yet within an exhaustion level that doesn't cause degenerative tissue breakdown. This will be noticed with overuse injuries, longer recovery cycles, and/or immune system weakness. A bit tricky, yes, but that's why you don't go run a marathon every day or attempt to deadlift a car just for fun. [1] [2]
  • From Scaling: "Keep the body adapting to new stimulus. Your muscles, connecting tissues, energy systems and central nervous system will thank you because you’ve improved. CrossFit doesn't really get any easier, you just become fitter. This allows more workload to occur."
Progressive Overload

3. Follow up overload with recovery.

  • Healthy food can be put on the table. Strength and conditioning work can be done. Mobility issues can be addressed. Weaknesses can be attacked. But sore muscles should receive rest days as well as sleep and replenishment.
  • From Sleep: "We may spend an hour in the gym each day, but it's the 23 hours spent recovering where you make actual gains in your fitness. We do work and our cells adapt. The body rebuilds. Muscle cells, connective tissue, and cardiovascular efficiency all improve to resist future stress. During recovery, there are a series of natural hormone responses to the work that has recently been completed; growth occurs with your central nervous and endocrine systems as well."
  • Actively recover by using movement to stimulate repair. Our body can do its inherent job after a stressful workout or competition with mobility exercises and self-massage, aiding in recovery. But rest days are used for just that-- rest. So doing as little physical work as possible will help. It's tough, but try not to get roped into another hard workout, even if it sounds awesome. See the bigger picture.

4. Repeat.

  • Cycle through these steps in an effort to be consistent, while still using variance. But remember, variety is not the same as being random; follow a program for maximal results.
  • Fuel up, work hard, rest when needed, and reap the rewards.

Alright, nerds, don't even ask if this will be on the test. Of course it will. This is the test.

- Scott, 7.27.2014


Words of the Week

Poker Hand

Body Types

We come in all shapes and sizes, us humans. Do a little people watching and that's pretty obvious. And life is a bit like a poker game in that you can't control your starting hand. Like it or not, you have to play the cards you're dealt.

Could you toss your cards to the side? Sure. Lots do, don't they? They throw them right into the muck. It's only one game though, this life. No re-upping. And if you're reading along right now chances are good that you've decided folding your hand isn't an option. You refuse to be the first one to bust.

Yet the issue is still the same as the start-- even a peek at someone else's cards isn't going to change your own.

Basic human science explains we are all born with genetics which includes a predetermined body type set by our DNA. To a large extent, your make and mold is the result of centuries of ancestry. But your potential, your future within yourself, that, fellow card sharks, is up to you.

Let's ante up and look deeper into this notion.

Card Sharks

The stress of physical work, particularly the central nervous system response to heavy lifting or quick, explosive movements, creates a positive surge in human growth hormones.  Namely androgen. Others as well, but it's androgen that gets the focus when looking directly at muscle growth. Two of those androgen amino acids specifically responsible for the anabolic effect of muscle protein synthesis are the well-known testosterone and estrogen.  [1] [2] [3]

We all have these hormones running through our bodies. Both men and women. Women release testosterone just like men do; men release estrogen like women do. It's just in different amounts. That's what separates the genders.  [1] [2]

Thanks to the pituitary gland during puberty and the endocrine system throughout life our gender-specific responses to age and daily living cause the excretion and regulation of our body hormones.

In layman's terms? Your brain and your body combine to make you you.

pituitary_gland It's this percentage of varying hormone chemicals that creates your starting hand. That and your ancestral DNA.  From there the game is on-- it is our job to make the most of ourselves. The goal is to hit a lucky streak in life, isn't it?  But if you know poker, then you know it's not just a game of luck. Depending on the style of game you can change your strategy, play off of percentages, turn over new cards, or even read opponents and embedded risk. But in the end it's the strength of your final hand that's the real measure.  In other words, overall health and well-being, if you're following along here.

To continue the analogy, some people realize they scrapped their hand way too soon when they could've simply pursued a different angle. Like, say, being active and monitoring nutrition.

In the game of life, our fitness is what we make of it.  But there are rules. There are limits.

Our body types run the gamut of different styles, but the three main somatotypes have historically been referred to as ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph.


• An ectomorph is typically skinny and lean, usually taller with long limbs and thin muscles. Ectomorphs find it hard to gain weight with their generally fast metabolism burning up calories. [1]

• A mesomorph is naturally athletic in build with larger muscles. Mesomorphs find it relatively easy to gain and lose weight. Although they gain body fat more easily than ectomorphs, they are genetically strong and inherently build muscle quicker than any other body type. [1]

• An endomorph is usually solid and generally bigger but is sometimes labeled "soft." Endomorphs gain fat very easily but do carry some inherent strength. Endomorphs are often shorter in stature but can have strong and muscular limbs, legs in particular. [1]

Within these very generalized physical categories can exist other partial somatotypes combining the larger headings. For instance, an ecto/meso or a meso/endo body type.

body types real imagebody types real image women

While this terminology isn't super important, it does help set up the understanding of one's body.  And it exposes the asinine statement of, "I want to look like him/her!"

Sorry, folks. In examining physical fitness, you will always remain you. Just a new and improved version of you.  With nourishment, work, and recovery people will look like the fittest rendition of themselves.

For both men and women, if the real goal in your fitness journey is to look like a completely different person then that isn't actually possible. Yes, of course, we can build muscle fibers, both fast and slow twitch, which also means we develop both the number of muscle cells as well as the size of pre-existing muscle cells. We can gain speed as well as endurance.  Conversely, we are able to drop excess body fat and change body composition into a healthier us, if needed and desired. But we will only do all of this according to the potential and limitations we were born with.

This is known as a person's genetic predisposition.

Similar to the above, other unhealthy statements we sometimes hear in the gym are "I don't want to do too much cardio and become a stick," or "I don't want to lift heavy because I don't want to get bulky."  Or worse, from some young ladies out there, "I don't want to look like a man."  Nails on the chalkboard.

Great news, if that's your worry: you won't. You can't.

It doesn't mean a person can't get stronger, faster, and in some ways, larger in size... even more "toned" or "cut" as body fat falls. What it does mean is that we can only do all of this according to 1) our gender, and 2) what our genes will allow.

body series

Again, it's simple, in a way: you can't turn into a different person. No one will change their body type without artificial means.

If you truly want to look like someone else, get plastic surgery. Plenty in the world do this; no judgement passed. Hormone therapy is part of gender modification.  All well and good if that's a person's goals. But again, it's artificial. Just like it would be to look for complete body modifying fitness gains.  This includes illegal growth hormones, anabolic steroid use, and to an extent, blood doping. [1]

The only way to do something to your body beyond what is genetically possible is artificially.

What we really need to be examining, then, is eustress and the endocrine response. The real statement should be, "I want to be the fittest, fastest, strongest ME."

This, this, is a quality statement. This is a healthy path to fitness. This, my friends of all shapes and sizes, is absolutely possible.

Instead of comparing your physique to others, the healthier mental exercise is to compare your body to your previous self. And frankly, many people out there put a lot of worry into aesthetics anyway, versus result-driven data like work completion (rounds, reps, weight, etc.) or overall positive feelings and self-affirming emotions.

So as you examine your true goals in and outside of the gym, take this to heart.  It isn't a deterrent from seeking what it is you want from your body.  Hell no. No, this is the opposite. What you want, athletically, can actually be obtained as you realize what genetics you've been given from your ancestors.  What hand you've been dealt in this life. If you are gunning for strength, that's doable. Definitely. If your weakness is conditioning, then cardiorespiratory endurance can improve. Unquestionably. If your coordination, your agility, your overall athleticism is lacking, it can all come to fruition as you develop within your life journey.

body type funny cartoon

So go out and get it. Go "all in" if you must. Don't let anyone tell you you can't.  But remember you are your own person and will remain just that. Be smart enough that if anyone tries to sell you otherwise, you can see through their bluff. Don't put effort into trying to be a different person, in a different body. Work to be the best in your own skin, and love the life you have.

Good luck, all. The cards are on the table, the stakes have been raised; it's your move. Don't fold now.

- Scott, 7.14.2014
