
Words of the Week

Poker Hand

Body Types

We come in all shapes and sizes, us humans. Do a little people watching and that's pretty obvious. And life is a bit like a poker game in that you can't control your starting hand. Like it or not, you have to play the cards you're dealt.

Could you toss your cards to the side? Sure. Lots do, don't they? They throw them right into the muck. It's only one game though, this life. No re-upping. And if you're reading along right now chances are good that you've decided folding your hand isn't an option. You refuse to be the first one to bust.

Yet the issue is still the same as the start-- even a peek at someone else's cards isn't going to change your own.

Basic human science explains we are all born with genetics which includes a predetermined body type set by our DNA. To a large extent, your make and mold is the result of centuries of ancestry. But your potential, your future within yourself, that, fellow card sharks, is up to you.

Let's ante up and look deeper into this notion.

Card Sharks

The stress of physical work, particularly the central nervous system response to heavy lifting or quick, explosive movements, creates a positive surge in human growth hormones.  Namely androgen. Others as well, but it's androgen that gets the focus when looking directly at muscle growth. Two of those androgen amino acids specifically responsible for the anabolic effect of muscle protein synthesis are the well-known testosterone and estrogen.  [1] [2] [3]

We all have these hormones running through our bodies. Both men and women. Women release testosterone just like men do; men release estrogen like women do. It's just in different amounts. That's what separates the genders.  [1] [2]

Thanks to the pituitary gland during puberty and the endocrine system throughout life our gender-specific responses to age and daily living cause the excretion and regulation of our body hormones.

In layman's terms? Your brain and your body combine to make you you.

pituitary_gland It's this percentage of varying hormone chemicals that creates your starting hand. That and your ancestral DNA.  From there the game is on-- it is our job to make the most of ourselves. The goal is to hit a lucky streak in life, isn't it?  But if you know poker, then you know it's not just a game of luck. Depending on the style of game you can change your strategy, play off of percentages, turn over new cards, or even read opponents and embedded risk. But in the end it's the strength of your final hand that's the real measure.  In other words, overall health and well-being, if you're following along here.

To continue the analogy, some people realize they scrapped their hand way too soon when they could've simply pursued a different angle. Like, say, being active and monitoring nutrition.

In the game of life, our fitness is what we make of it.  But there are rules. There are limits.

Our body types run the gamut of different styles, but the three main somatotypes have historically been referred to as ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph.


• An ectomorph is typically skinny and lean, usually taller with long limbs and thin muscles. Ectomorphs find it hard to gain weight with their generally fast metabolism burning up calories. [1]

• A mesomorph is naturally athletic in build with larger muscles. Mesomorphs find it relatively easy to gain and lose weight. Although they gain body fat more easily than ectomorphs, they are genetically strong and inherently build muscle quicker than any other body type. [1]

• An endomorph is usually solid and generally bigger but is sometimes labeled "soft." Endomorphs gain fat very easily but do carry some inherent strength. Endomorphs are often shorter in stature but can have strong and muscular limbs, legs in particular. [1]

Within these very generalized physical categories can exist other partial somatotypes combining the larger headings. For instance, an ecto/meso or a meso/endo body type.

body types real imagebody types real image women

While this terminology isn't super important, it does help set up the understanding of one's body.  And it exposes the asinine statement of, "I want to look like him/her!"

Sorry, folks. In examining physical fitness, you will always remain you. Just a new and improved version of you.  With nourishment, work, and recovery people will look like the fittest rendition of themselves.

For both men and women, if the real goal in your fitness journey is to look like a completely different person then that isn't actually possible. Yes, of course, we can build muscle fibers, both fast and slow twitch, which also means we develop both the number of muscle cells as well as the size of pre-existing muscle cells. We can gain speed as well as endurance.  Conversely, we are able to drop excess body fat and change body composition into a healthier us, if needed and desired. But we will only do all of this according to the potential and limitations we were born with.

This is known as a person's genetic predisposition.

Similar to the above, other unhealthy statements we sometimes hear in the gym are "I don't want to do too much cardio and become a stick," or "I don't want to lift heavy because I don't want to get bulky."  Or worse, from some young ladies out there, "I don't want to look like a man."  Nails on the chalkboard.

Great news, if that's your worry: you won't. You can't.

It doesn't mean a person can't get stronger, faster, and in some ways, larger in size... even more "toned" or "cut" as body fat falls. What it does mean is that we can only do all of this according to 1) our gender, and 2) what our genes will allow.

body series

Again, it's simple, in a way: you can't turn into a different person. No one will change their body type without artificial means.

If you truly want to look like someone else, get plastic surgery. Plenty in the world do this; no judgement passed. Hormone therapy is part of gender modification.  All well and good if that's a person's goals. But again, it's artificial. Just like it would be to look for complete body modifying fitness gains.  This includes illegal growth hormones, anabolic steroid use, and to an extent, blood doping. [1]

The only way to do something to your body beyond what is genetically possible is artificially.

What we really need to be examining, then, is eustress and the endocrine response. The real statement should be, "I want to be the fittest, fastest, strongest ME."

This, this, is a quality statement. This is a healthy path to fitness. This, my friends of all shapes and sizes, is absolutely possible.

Instead of comparing your physique to others, the healthier mental exercise is to compare your body to your previous self. And frankly, many people out there put a lot of worry into aesthetics anyway, versus result-driven data like work completion (rounds, reps, weight, etc.) or overall positive feelings and self-affirming emotions.

So as you examine your true goals in and outside of the gym, take this to heart.  It isn't a deterrent from seeking what it is you want from your body.  Hell no. No, this is the opposite. What you want, athletically, can actually be obtained as you realize what genetics you've been given from your ancestors.  What hand you've been dealt in this life. If you are gunning for strength, that's doable. Definitely. If your weakness is conditioning, then cardiorespiratory endurance can improve. Unquestionably. If your coordination, your agility, your overall athleticism is lacking, it can all come to fruition as you develop within your life journey.

body type funny cartoon

So go out and get it. Go "all in" if you must. Don't let anyone tell you you can't.  But remember you are your own person and will remain just that. Be smart enough that if anyone tries to sell you otherwise, you can see through their bluff. Don't put effort into trying to be a different person, in a different body. Work to be the best in your own skin, and love the life you have.

Good luck, all. The cards are on the table, the stakes have been raised; it's your move. Don't fold now.

- Scott, 7.14.2014



Pull-up Motivation
Pull-up Motivation


A major fitness milestone for some, just another bodyweight movement for others.

Either way, a hotly debated topic in internetland for sure. Particularly in recent years, pull-ups have come to the forefront of CrossFit hate because of the gymnastics kip we often utilize. "Cheating," it's called.

Not in the know yet? Google kip or kipping, or worse, CrossFit and pull-ups, and familiarize yourself if you like. YouTube comments are a proverbial blackhole, so watch out.

What you find under the message board bridge is a pull-up troll fight of epic proportions... but also some quality insight. Depends where you land.

Proponents of kipping cite the athleticism it requires (and develops), namely coordination for hip recruitment in order to use body momentum correctly. The kip fosters a body awareness akin to other muti-joint movements we see in Olympic weightlifting or sport specific actions like throwing or jumping.

Negative aspects of kipping are reported as well.  These include infringing on shoulder socket health with rotator cuff issues like bursitis or shoulder impingement. Also listed (and debated) is the potential for the eccentric, or "negative" action of the muscle groups to cause extreme muscle breakdown in a condition known as rhabdomyolysis. CrossFit, Inc. chronicled this issue as far back as 2005 from a CrossFit Journal article by Greg Glassman himself. Do even more research and you'll find that rhabdo can come from a plethora of other exercises and fitness programs, and is not at all unique to the CrossFit community or any specific movement we utilize.

While on the topic of injuries, keep this math equation in mind: chalked hands + a pull-up bar = ripping.

I don't have data or percentages on how many beginning CrossFitters tear their hands while learning to kip, but my bet is it's somewhere in the 100th percentile. Check out more in a previous article on the topic here.


All in all, point be clear: the strict pull-up is a different movement than the kipping pull-up.

Pull-up Muscle Groups
Pull-up Muscle Groups

Both styles of the exercise have their merit, in a fitness sense, so both can and should be used in a general strength and conditioning program.  As a blanket statement, strict pull-ups are a safer movement for a beginner.  A strict pull-up helps develop muscle strength in the latissimus dorsi, the biceps, and to some extent the rhomboids and teres major.

In a coached athlete, however, it is argued that the movement of the gymnastic kip can be taught on the pull-up bar simultaneously as the strict movement to help embed the concept through routine. While upper body strength is acquired, so is the idea of generating momentum.  Kipping practice can be done before or after a workout, although afterwards would generally mean a person works while fatigued.  Not unsafe, per se, but it needs to be noted that higher rep kipping pull-ups get the magnifying glass from the online fitness community, where negative feedback is aplenty. Overtrain while already muscle fatigued and the consensus agrees that's a recipe for potential disaster.

Does that mean shy away from kipping pull-ups?  No.  Well, maybe.

I do agree and maintain the personal opinion that it's possible to work kipping pull-ups at the same time as strict strength. Yet when we see newbies flailing on the pull-up bar, incorrectly swinging in order to barely clear their chin, as coaches we step in. We have to. It's tough to check your ego sometimes, but that's why a coach is so necessary-- we can do that for you.

Kipping without a basis of strength is not productive.

The same goes for you butterfly wannabes as well.

Pull-up Pro Bro
Pull-up Pro Bro

If a CrossFit athlete has a kipping pull-up, it seems like the butterfly technique witnessed in competitive CrossFit events becomes an immediate goal.  Yet keep in mind it's the shoulder socket that takes the brunt of the force being applied by the elliptical movement of the body in a butterfly pull-up, making it the most dangerous even though it can be the most efficient style of getting the chin over the bar. Strike that: potentially the most dangerous. In a strong and healthy shoulder, the butterfly technique seems to initiate a "normal" amount of extra stress on the shoulders, similar to Snatch work or throwing a baseball.

Facing the barrel of a loaded clock during a high repetition competitive event, and that decision needs to be yours as an athlete: am I skilled and strong enough to handle this? Am I moving efficiently and pain free?

To elaborate, pull-ups are elusive for beginners; it's a movement that takes practice, like anything. And since much of the general public hasn't performed bodyweight pull-ups since their grade school days, many newcomers have trouble at the start. Likewise, jumping into a butterfly pull-up too early doesn't make sense if your range of motion is short-changed or you are arching and breaking at the spinal midline in order to make the rep. Form and function first; strength follows.

Even if someone walks in off the street with basic pull-up experience, with a sound work capacity, and with above average athleticism, it still may not be smart to attempt butterflies right off the bat. Some recommendations exist as prerequisites, but it's always a bit of a grey area... like being able to perform 10 consecutive strict pull-ups or 20-25 gymnastics kipping pull-ups.

Whatever the benchmark, the butterfly pull-up is definitely not in the CrossFit starter kit.

Baby Pull-up
Baby Pull-up

Great news, though, no matter what experience level: pull-up development is like everything else in the gym. You put some attention towards the exercise and gains are made. What you put in, you get out.

The bad news?  That strength development takes time.

To obtain a kipping pull-up or to sequence multiple strict pull-ups or to be ready for a butterfly pull-up we need time. Sometimes even six months or more to garnish necessary pull strength.  However, depending on a person's inherent genetic strength and days spent in the gym refining the movement, it's definitely a realistic three month goal. Even from scratch. Which makes pull-ups a perfect focus for the start of summer.

In fact, so many of our Amplify members list this as a huge personal goal... to be better at pull-ups.  Or in some cases, to get their first pull-up ever.

And for reference, a "pull-up" refers to an overhand grip (palms facing away, in supination), whereas a "chin-up" uses an underhand grip (palms facing inward, in pronation). Chin-ups have a place in functional training as well; they utilize more bicep action and are generally an easier exercise of the two to clear one's chin over the bar. Kipping is more difficult with the arms blocking the swing by basic shoulder anatomy, but strict chin-ups are a definite tool to use just like strict pull-ups.


So, whether you're looking to develop your strict, your kip, an efficient butterfly, or simply your first pull-up ever, let's check out some ideas behind the movements and quick guidelines on the road upwards.

Ring Rows: A great start for the absolute newbie.  The more horizontal the body, the harder the ring row, but also be careful to try and emulate a more upright pull-up motion to work the lat muscles correctly.

  • Do keep the core tight and complete the full range of motion for best results.
  • Don't think these are for wussies. Ring rows can be brutal, even for the experienced.

Assistance Bands: Used correctly, this can foster some of the greatest strength development for those without a free-hanging pull-up, but does limit the kipping movement a bit during the learning process. Scaling: more pros than cons, for sure.

  • Do know when it's time to use the band (figure out your limit on total rep count) and when it's time to drop down in band size.
  • Don't let this become a crutch or take the place of your pull-up attempts without the band.
Assisted Pull-ups
Assisted Pull-ups

Hollow Body Position: Underrated, at least on the pull-up bar, and usable not just as an exercise in itself. A good counter balance (instead of feet pulled behind, breaking the midline), the hollow position builds core stability while keeping posture on the bar. This transfers to many other aspects in gymnastics and CrossFit.

  • Do practice hollow rocks on flat ground and apply it to your starting position at the bottom of the pull-up. Particularly, strict pull-ups... although a tight midline aids the stretch reflex during the loading phase of a kip as well.
  • Don't get frustrated. Hollow positioning is not easy.  (Unless you grew up a gymnast... lucky.)

Strict Pull-ups: These should never leave your repertoire.  Once obtained, hit strict pull-ups at least once a week to maintain the upper body strength that can spread to other movements in the gym. Make this the basis of pull strength, even as a CrossFit athlete whose default is to kip. Chin over bar counts, chest to bar is the gold standard.

  • Do maintain good positioning and research strategies or set/rep schemes to foster pull-up growth. Early on, three times a week at 3 or 4 sets of 3-8 reps, even "negatives," is a great start. Be wary of too many slow negatives (downward action of the pull-up.)
  • Don't be embarrassed to hit small sets of 1 or 2 when working on these as supplemental work in warm-ups or after a conditioning workout.
Strict Pull-up, courtesy of CrossFit Thames
Strict Pull-up, courtesy of CrossFit Thames

Gymnastics Kip: A kip can be small or big in terms of the swing, and therefore can be used to eke out just a few additional reps on a set of strict pulls 'til failure or as a first pull-up attempt with a humongous "load-up." Hips are essential.  Check videos here, here, and here. Working on stringing more consecutive kips?  Remember to push away at the top, especially as you fatigue, and use a bigger "chest through" swing in the later rep numbers as you near your max.

  • Do work shoulder mobility to allow the chest to come forward and through the window of the arms to gain swing momentum.  Also, generate power from the hips to get them up and turned over.
  • Don't worry if you get a pull-up, or multiples, and then "lose" them for a day or more.  They come and go sometimes. Stay at it.
pull up kip hollow
pull up kip hollow

Butterfly Kip: A challenging move since it generates more power from the body and thus more of a metabolic need, the butterfly pull-up is faster in its turn over but taxes the cardio system for sure. Butterflies make clearing the chin easier in short numbers and are almost always used for high rep workouts and/or CrossFit competitions. This is not really a pull-up, in the traditional sense of the term.  The butterfly is its own entity now, and more of a test of skill and work capacity than anything else.

  • Do continue to work shoulder mobility, gymnastics kip, and strict pull-ups. Also, to increase efficiency, make sure you are coming through the bar as you pass under it while prepping for your next rep. Heels pull back immediately for your next kick and kip. Ride the imaginary bicycle backwards while midair, if that analogy helps.
  • Don't count a butterfly as a pull-up if you're no where near clearing your chin. Even if you are close, how is your overall strength with strict pull-ups?
butterfly snapshot 1
butterfly snapshot 1

Realize the hate that exists of this move, even if you can hit 100 in a row.  (This video of Chris Spealler shows an incredible feat but one that has the internet at each others' throats over the butterfly pull-up.)

I toyed with using kipping pull-ups as a strength and fitness developer for a year on video.  With a max test each month, I put together a kipping pull-up compilation of my progress.  Mostly butterflies. The outcome was somewhere around 10-11 added reps in a year's time, which wasn't too significant unless we consider the starting number. All the while my strict pull-up max remained the same at 16-18, for reference.

You decide: cheating or not?

And so you're off-- decide on your goals and where you fit in the pull-up spectrum, then keep at it.

The only thing left is to celebrate your success, kiddos.  Do a good job and you get a treat.

- Scott, 6.23.2014

I'm a big kid now!
I'm a big kid now!

Garage Games: Amplify Open



April 12-13, 2014

We are proud to announce the Second Annual Amplify Open!  After the CrossFit Open, come show the Midwest what you can do.

Individuals will be on Saturday. Masters and Teams will be on Sunday.

Cost: $80 per Individual, $185 per Team. Check in time: 7:30am. Start time: 9:30am.

Teams will consist of 3 Athletes: 2 Males and 1 Female Divisions: Men's Rx, Men's Scaled, Women's Rx, Women's Scaled, Team Rx, Team Scaled and Men/Women's Masters. Division Limits: 30 Individuals per division, 35 Teams.

Registration Deadline is March 25: Facebook Event page will post updates:

Check the above links for information regarding workout movements and other information.

Several Sponsors have committed to the event: Reebok Quest RockTape Progenex FitAid Fight Through Atlas Wraps SoRock Lululemon of Naperville

ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR THIS WEEKEND: - Doors will open at 8am on Saturday and Sunday. - First event will begin at roughly 9-9:15am on Saturday and Sunday. - There will be no spectator fee for this event. - Look for event parking across the street from Amplify. - If you haven't filled out a waiver from the Garage Games site, they will be provided at the event. - Saturday division order: Men's Scaled, Men's RX, Women's Scaled, Women's RX. - Sunday division order: Team Scaled, Team RX. - Team WOD changes: Team WOD #1 will have a time cap of 16 minutes.  On Team events involving pistols or DB Snatches, alternating is not required but you must do 10 each side.


2014 Amplify Open RESULTS



Individual WOD #1 6 minute time cap. Add a second to the 6 minute cap for every rep not completed.

RX Division 30-20-10 Wall Ball Shots (#30/20) Toes to Bar

Scaled Division 30-20-10 Wall Ball Shots (#20/10) V-Up (hands and toes touch at the top of the V-Up)

Individual WOD #2 6 minute AMRAP Score = total reps.

RX Division Squat Clean to Thruster Ladder

Athlete must complete 4 reps of the indicated weight before increasing to the next level. A pause after the Squat Clean is NOT allowed. If the athlete has time remaining, AMRAP the final weight. Athlete responsible for changing their own weights as indicated.

Men Rx: #135/#155/#185/#205 Women Rx: #85/#105/#135/#145

Scaled Division Power Clean to Shoulder to Overhead ladder. Athlete must complete 4 reps of the indicated weight before increasing to the next level.

A pause after the Power Clean IS allowed. If the athlete has time remaining, AMRAP the final weight. Athlete responsible for changing their own weights as indicated.

Men Scaled: # 115/#135/#145/#155 Women Scaled: #55/#65/#75/#85

Individual WOD #3 8 minute time cap. Score = total time. Add a second to the 8 minute cap for every rep not completed.

RX Division 35 Pull-ups 75 Double Unders 30 Handstand Push-ups 75 Double Unders 35 Pull-ups

Scaled Division 30 Jumping Chest to Bar Pull-ups (CrossFit Open Standard) 150 Single Jump Rope 10 Wall Climbs (chest to touch wall) 150 Single Jump Rope 30 Jumping Chest to Bar Pull-ups

Individual WOD #4 12 minute time cap. Score = total time. Add a second to the 12 minute cap for every rep not completed. 15 Pistols per leg. Do not need to be alternating.

RX Division Row 75 Calories 30 Pistols 15 Hang Snatch, Power or Squat catch (#145/#100)Scaled Division Row 75 Calories 30 Goblet Squats (#55/#35) 15 Hang Snatch, Power or Squat catch (#95/#65)

Team WOD #1 16 minute time cap. Add a second to the 16 minute cap for every rep not completed.

25 Double Under buy-in per athlete before the start of each movement. Each athlete must complete 20 reps in a row per movement until the team reaches 60 reps. Remaining 50 reps of movement can be split anyhow.

RX Division 110 Wall Ball Shots (#30/#20) 110 Toes to Bar 110 Dumbbell Snatch (#70/#45)

Scaled Division (*30 single jump rope buy-in per athlete) 110 Wall Ball Shots (#20/#14) 110 V-Ups 110 Dumbbell Snatch (#50/#25)

Team WOD #2 16 minute time cap. Score = total time. Add a second to the 16 minute cap for every rep not completed. Waterfall rules. One athlete must complete the entire complex before the next athlete starts.

RX Division Row 500 meters 20 Pistols 10 Hang Power Cleans (#185/#125)

Scaled Division Row 500 meters 30 Kettlebell Swings (#55/35) 10 Hang Power Cleans (#135/#85)

Team WOD #3 16 minute time cap. Score = total time. Add a second to the 16 minute cap for every rep not completed. Only one athlete can be working at a time. Each athlete is responsible for a set of 40/30/20. Team is responsible for changing out their own weights.

RX Division 40 Back Squats (#135/#95) 30 Pull-ups 20 Shoulder to Overhead (#135/#95) ------------------------------- 40 Front Squats (#95/#65) 30 Pull-ups 20 Shoulder to Overhead (#95/#65) ------------------------------- 40 Over Head Squat (#65/#45) 30 Pull-ups 20 Shoulder to Overhead (#65/#45)

Scaled Division 40 Back Squats (#115/#75) 30 Jumping Chest to Bar Pull-ups (CrossFit Open Standard) 20 Shoulder to Overhead (#115/#75) -------------------------------- 40 Front Squats (#95/#55) 30 Jumping Chest to Bar Pull-ups (CrossFit Open Standard) 20 Shoulder to Overhead (#95/#55) -------------------------------- 40 Overhead Squats (#65/#35) 30 Jumping Chest to Bar Pull-ups (CrossFit Open Standard) 20 Shoulder to Overhead (#65/#35)


Final WODs announced as the week progresses!  Stay up to date on the Facebook Event page here:



Individual WOD Tally Sheet


TEAM WOD Tally Sheet












Come with me, if you will, to a land of make believe.

A place of fairy tale wonder, full of people who never have the need to warm-up their bodies before physical exercise. Playfully leaping around in lush valleys of barbells and chalk... giggling through treelimb pull-ups and snatching gigantic flower stems... climbing vines and swinging kettleberries. In this pleasantville of sparkle-eyed, chiseled bodies, not a soul lacks range of motion. Not a soul has tight muscles. And not one fitness nymph gets a "no rep." Ever.

Sound ridiculous? That's because this place doesn't exist. Remember? It's make believe.

For the world of reality that lays before us muscle mortals, warm-ups are useful and necessary-- even for those seemingly perfect professional exercisers. But maybe not in the way you think. So what is truly necessary for workout preparation?

Physical Warm-up
Common sense tells more and more people to give their bodies 1) a generalized warm-up before physical activity, and 2) an exercise specific lead up to any workout or sport.

Just stretching a bit beforehand doesn't do the trick. In fact, stretching in general has received critique in recent years anyway. See a few viewpoints here: NBC via the CDC, HuffPost, Mobility WOD, Mark Sisson, T-Nation.

A muscular and connective tissue warm-up is often best when suited towards the individual. At the gym, we use a group warm-up as a one-size-fits-all preparation. It works, but is mostly beneficial to give members an idea of what movements to use if ever prompted to take time on their own for warm-ups. The more knowledge you gain about yourself, the better you can prep for a workout or competition.

General theory is the shorter the workout, the longer the warm-up. Meaning, higher intensity work requires a longer warm-up, whereas a shorter prep might be just fine for longer exertion. Also, extra mobility work should take place outside of the warm-up and is potentially best post-workout or at least when blood flow has increased. Past that, get to know your body so you can gear preparation correctly. And be adamant and committed to doing things right so a good warm-up ensures you are set up for success in the gym. Does a varied warm-up work? Or do you like the same, scripted preparation to feel ready to go each day?

But what's often missing is something else entirely. Sit back and listen close...

CNS Warm-up
Once upon a time there was a misunderstood body system called the central nervous system. The CNS, for short. Around before you were born, the CNS is as complex as all the solar systems in all the galaxies in the universe. If we could go back in time, we'd see this system actually start to develop before your first heartbeat.

Potentially overlooked in the gym, the CNS controls a person's motor functions and all voluntary muscle action. Nothing "goes" unless the nerves send a signal. So we could think of a CNS warm-up as a start up to the body's computer-- the brain to muscle group connection needs booting up to be online.

Would you jump in a car that sat in the garage all day and pop it in drive, immediately slamming the gas pedal to the floor? No way. Well, at least not if it's your car and you want it to last. So why would you get under the barbell without preparation and expect maximum performance out of your body? It's a more complex machine than a car's engine. And you definitely want yourself to last.

In basic terms for physical movement, you can't expect to perform at your best when the nerve pathways that fire to make you move aren't greased.

Approaching Warm-ups
If the workout facing you has heavy lifting, in the vein of a 1repmax, then you'll need to put some intensity ahead of the stress that will follow. A person can go in "cold" and still have success in a lift or a workout, but think of when you've had your PR lifts-- it's after a few quality ramp up sets, guaranteed. Otherwise you haven't maximized your potential. This is why we often use plyometrics or other explosive movements to ignite your CNS. Speed and power are critical-- more muscle fibers need to be recruited for the more weight you lift.

Once you have performed a general dynamic warm-up, a number of exercises can be used to light up your CNS before your heavy training. These exercises are not performed in a manner to fatigue the muscles, remember. They are meant to prime the pump... which is an amazingly accurate pun if I do say so myself. Before squatting, go through a few box jumps, split jumps, or kettlebell swings-- all excellent options. Prior to deadlifting or Oly lifting, clean or snatch from various positions at the hang to initiate lat/trap/shoulder involvement and improve hip mobility. (Reference from Chad Smith.)

A warm-up for a higher rep workout, something with gymnastic elements for instance, would still include dynamic activities that require quick and strong muscular contraction. Once the body's core temperature has been elevated, these movements would serve to fire up the CNS and prepare it for the upcoming volume. Particularly if fast movements will be required in a WOD. Think kipping pull-ups, air squats, push-ups, etc.

We'll often do running drills pre-workout, even if there isn't any running in the WOD. Calling on the CNS to rev up by messing with coordination a little creates those routes necessary from synapses in the brain and all along the spinal cord. Other simple items to include could be contract/relax exercises for mobility prep and core awakening exercises such as toes to bar, hollow rocks, and isometric squat holds. (Reference from Allen Besselink.)

For more details, check this excellent post by Darrell Morgan.

So there's the quick run-down to the warm-up. Think about what you are working towards, and what would be beneficial to include in your preparation to maximize your power output. Then see if the warm-up helped, and live happily ever after.

Better than a fairy tale ending, this is a smart and realistic approach to warming up for success in the gym.

- Scott, 8.25.2013


Competition sore loser


As an athlete, the feelings before a competition can vary with each person, and with each game/match/event that an individual competes in.

Some get prepped calmly and actually relish in the pressure of competition, while others have certain nervous habits or even anxiety-driven superstitions that become ritualistic.  Take a professional sport like baseball for example. Ridiculous, at times.

In the CrossFit world, more and more competitions are popping up that test fitness.  In some cases it's for the better, and in other cases maybe that's not so true.  I mean, how did we take exercise and make it a sport?  Is that even possible?  In any event, it seems that the "sport of fitness" is growing, so we might as well address it.

First, many of us were drawn to CrossFit because it fit the bill-- it filled our competitive edge as current or former athletes, or else it intrigued us because it contained that competitive fun.  And at the same time simultaneously involving support and team camaraderie that prove we're the social animals we are. Sure, a lot of people simply enjoy the variety and intensity (and the results) of CrossFit workouts, but many others thrive on the focus of measurable fitness.  One with some backing research and numbers-based strength progressions, and one that also defines power output in time domains.

Me, I tend to get competitive with something as simple as board games with the kids.  Maybe you don't sink your daughter's battleship like I do, but even if you're a little like me, CrossFit workouts fulfill that competitive itch quite nicely. And with less tears.  (Debatable.)


So let's examine the pros and cons of competition in CrossFit, both in the weekly workouts and in the fundraisers and competitive events that pop up-- from smaller ones in your area to the worldwide stage of the CrossFit Games.

To start, CrossFit did not have yearly competitions until the all-call of the first CrossFit Games at Dave Castro’s ranch in Aromas, California.  After its inception in 2000, CrossFit founder Greg Glassman was finally open to the idea of a fitness competition after discussing the possibility leading up to the first Games in 2007.  Find more info on the history of the CrossFit Games here.  You can also read a little more about the history and some of my own thoughts on the CrossFit Games (with a focus on 2012) in the Words of the Week archives.

If we leave the main event out, including not just the Games in Carson, California, but also the Regional events and the Open that lead up to it, there are still many ways to be competitive with CrossFit.

It was just in the last couple years that competitions really started to sprout up in CrossFit affiliates. Now it's seemingly monthly, and if you look hard enough, nearly every weekend if you're willing to travel a bit.  It used to be more of the fundraiser that got CrossFitters together.  They were and still are great ways to get together with mutliple CrossFit boxes nearby for a little friendly competition in the name of a good cause.  Now, the competitive side of local fitness is booming.  Amplify has joined right in by hosting a few that have included Garage Games and Power Athlete series events.

Does this mean it's a good idea to compete each weekend?

Well, the first answer is no.  The second answer is, basically, you already are.

Being involved in a multi-event CrossFit competition means putting the body through often 3-4 different workouts a day.  Sometimes two days in a row.  Even if these events are relatively short (10 minutes or under), this is a lot.  Pushing to bring out the best in a test of your fitness can only have you peak and recover once in a while.  Depending on your recovery (age, nutrition, sleep, and weekly workouts that follow), the magnitude of a CrossFit competition means a typical body won't be able to withhold that type of stress more than twice a month.  If that.

Look at the CrossFit Open.  One competitive workout a week for 5 weeks.  Some CrossFitters tried the WODs multiple times and it helped.  But in interviews many of the Regional advancements did not come from athletes going through each Open workout more than once or twice.  They hit it hard, then kept on course with their weekly training.

Likely, if you're not an elite CrossFit competitor, a competition to test yourself is just a fun and challenging thing-- like a runner or triathlete might get in a race, or an active athlete would play a game.  I'll argue that a two day CrossFit competition has potential to be more grueling than a baseball or basketball or soccer game; several games a week are possible in those sports.  Even so, this test can be a good thing... a positive trial of assessment.  And fun.

CrossFit athletes can also compete in powerlifting or weightlifting competitions, again through local gyms or held in sanctioned events through USAPLUSAW, and other organizations.  A quick Google search can help you with those.  These are slightly different in that yes, it may be a difficult test of fitness, but in general it's not quite as tough on the body as a 6-8 event weekend.

Here's the other side of the coin: CrossFit workouts are mini competitions in themselves.  Keep this in mind.  Particularly if you look at a good week of workout programming, your quality MetCon days are a smaller scale competition.  So in this case, yes, a weekly competition is okay-- in a way you're already there. In fact, it's that intensity and tests in strength that keep your body on track to a stronger, faster you.  This is good.  This competition is necessary.

Think about it... if your gym posts your workout scores on a white board like so many CrossFit gyms do, then competition is inevitable.  But please, please, for the sake of all things Glassman, do not let yourself chase the almighty clock.  Do not let yourself chase a number on the wall by sacrificing form, ROM, or safety. This is always a competition with yourself, first and foremost, so have the integrity to check your ego at the door and see this for what it's worth: a fitness program.  Then after that, maybe, just maybe, it's a competitive event.



1. Set your sights on important competitions that seem worth your time, money, and energy.

  • These things can get costly, and not just on your bank account.  Payouts can be great but only if you're a top tier athlete in your area.  Otherwise the cost of potential injury or overtraining is too high for it to be a smart thing to hit up too many competitions each year.

2. Hone in on what preparation you need.

  • Do you get nervous before competitions?  Use that nervous energy and related adrenaline to fuel your performance.  Warning: being too amped up before an event can backfire quickly.  An already elevated heartrate can sabotage a CrossFit workout almost before it starts... especially in longer events.
  • Do you get nervous before workouts?  Awesome.  As along as it's a healthy fear of upcoming work, not dread.  Don't be mistaken-- a little goes a long way.
  • Take care of common sense items: Plan nutrition for the day, recovery in between workouts, clothing/shoes/equipment needs, etc.
  • Think strategy, but don't overthink strategy. You'll psych yourself out.
  • Taper or don't taper, depending on what your body responds to.  Oftentimes taking a day before competition completely off means going in "stale." Sometimes it's what works for who you are.  Learn this and keep track of when and how you compete at your best in regards to the week leading up to it.

3. Learn how to lose.

  • Unless you're one of the 2013 Games winners, you can take away valuable knowledge from competitions.  And actually, even they do the same. They're learning experiences.  If you won, good on you.  Take something away from it on how to continue that streak.  If you lost, well, was it fun anyway?  Did you hit a good workout/score/lift/PR or maybe something else positive?  Otherwise, evaluate the experience and move on.
  • Other athletes have insight too.  Tap into that, and not just because meeting others in your sport or hobby can be cool.  "Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don't," as Bill Nye explains simply.


It's a competitive world, and CrossFit dives head first into that notion ocean.  It's up to you to keep the intensity alive in your workouts but be smart in your choices of the many competitions abound.

Good luck!  Have fun, stay safe, and be strong. I'll be there cheering you on to beat everyone but me.

- Scott, 7.15.2013

The CrossFit Games


The CrossFit Games, to be exact.

The 2012 Games are July 13-15. And as they near each year, I get more excited than the last. But I also worry more and more, almost cringing in anticipation of what might we might see pop up in the workouts or skill segments. (Softball, anyone?)

See, there's a history here. Things weren't always as they are now. Most of you already know this. CrossFit has grown, arguably both for the better and for the worse. And in remembering the first Games and then really seeing it take off with the second and third annual competitions, I stay enthralled with what will happen each summer. Ever seen "Every Second Counts" or YouTube footage of The Ranch in Aromas? Great stuff. But each year I find myself desperately wanting CrossFit to stay true to its roots... basically, I'm worried about us jumping the shark. (Or is it too late?)

We are hitting the 6th year of competition. It's been an interesting last two years, with ESPN airing Games footage and Reebok picking up sponsorship, both plugging the sport of fitness. The terms "Fittest on Earth" and "World Record" come with an asterisk. Don't they? I mean, a snatch world record??  It has me wondering if it's too elitist to get a Prebok shirt.

Nonetheless, as much as we can laugh at the ridiculousness that can happen when any business or brand grows with success, I will be glued to the TV and computer as much as I can be this weekend (and as video updates get released in the weeks to follow). I'm a proud supporter of CrossFit, and will defend it through the ups and downs as long as it continues to make sense.

For instance:

2011 Excitement It was fantastic. Amidst the calls of selling out, last summer we saw incredible athletes doing incredibly grueling workouts. In my mind, easily the best thus far in terms of testing wide-ranging fitness components and time domains.

The 2012 Open Remember? It was the "all-call" this spring for any and all athletes across the world to attempt to qualify. You and me, we were there. How'd you do? Despite the burpee fiasco of 12.1, the top athletes seemed to make it through. That's the goal.

2012 Regionals The Open of course led to the Regionals, where we saw some more amazing performances and finally have consistent workouts across all regions. There were issues: athletes in the final regionals had a significant, yet equal, advantage of practicing the workouts for longer. The range of motion standards needed a close eye. (Looking your way "Diane.") Even with this and world records* being shoved down our throats (read: littering our Facebook feed), the workouts/programming were LEGIT.

So who's gonna win? Will we see these two dethroned in a week's time? Will the big names shine, or will a relatively unknown champion be deemed the "Fittest on Earth?" Rich in 2012: Annie in 2012:


Some of the 2012 events have already been announced.

They look a little like last year combined with this year's Regionals. I'm not sure I understand the GHD Med Ball throw; this has already been beaten into the ground by critics, even in the short time since being announced. But I do have to say, this event may win the annual Reebok CrossFit Games "Shark Award." (The trophy has Greg Glassman on water skies, riding a Reebok branded sharkfin through the waves. He may or may not be holding a softball proudly overhead. Prototype TBA.)

My true hopes for the weekend: We see something new. We see something old. We see something heavy. We see both short & long time domains. We see another cool swim WOD, some technical skills, and rings, ropes, sleds. Maybe even some tires or stones? But we don't leave the basics. If it makes sense, I'm a supporter.

A lot of this is already set. Good. We can all watch it unfold here: Now don't get tricky, Dave, and let's find the best athlete out there this year.

And for the record, I'll be rooting for Speal.

-Scott, 7.9.2012