Julie Wantiez
CrossFit Level 1 Certification
CrossFit Rowing Certification
Growing up I was always very active and sports were an important part of my life. I was a swimmer from the time I was 7 until I went off to college. Shortly after leaving college, I got into some bad habits around fitness and nutrition. Before I knew it, I had gained 60+ pounds and was completely unhappy with myself. It took a year or two for me to wake up and realize that this was not how I wanted to live my life. I slowly started getting back into swimming, running and even added a little bit of weightlifting. I was eventually able to shed the weight back off through exercise and big changes in my nutrition.
Despite all the progress I had made, I hit a peak in my fitness journey right around the time my sister was getting really into Crossfit in 2013. She would tell me about her workouts and I thought ‘No way is that for me ’. After putting it off for a while, I finally joined her for a workout at her gym which consisted of Air Dyne, Pull-ups and Wallballs. Afterwards, my legs were sore in a way I had never experienced before and I was hooked! I looked for a Crossfit gym near my house and found Crossfit Amplify. From the minute that I walked in the door, I was home.
Crossfit has this unique way of empowering you and humbling you all at the same time. I think that’s truly what makes it so great. I have become a better person both inside and outside of the gym because of Crossfit and the community that I now call my family at Crossfit Amplify. It has given me a strength and confidence I have never had before in my life.
Two years after starting Crossfit, I started coaching Bootcamp classes at Amplify. Nothing is more rewarding to me than sharing my passion for fitness with the people in my classes. I love to be a part of the progress that we see in each one of our athletes.
I can’t thank Crossfit Amplify enough for the positive change it has made in me as a person, an athlete and a coach.